
How healthy is your instrument?

Woodwinds - are you are unable to play low notes as easy as you could last week, or last month?

Are your pads sticky?

Does key noise seem to be getting louder?

Do you find yourself having to press the keys harder and harder?

Brass - are your valves not running as smooth as you remember?

Do your sides take a lot of effort to move?

Does it feel more resistant to blow through your instrument?

These are all signs your instrument could use a service and check up.

Let our team of highly skilled technicians take care of your instrument. We are very proud of the meticulous quality and fine attention to detail of our work. Whether we are working on a student instrument or a high end professional one we will always ensure it is playing the best it can. Brass and woodwind is our passion, it's all we do, so we understand the difference between an adequate job and a perfect one.

Same Day Servicing – Book in advance and 'jump the queue'. There is no extra charge for this service however a $50 deposit is required to reserve the date and confirm the booking. This is a very popular option and bookings are limited, to avoid disappointment please book at least 2 weeks in advance. This service is available for standard services only.

Book Online

or contact us via email or phone 03 9699 9099.

Emergency service - 'while you wait' Sometimes things just happen that suddenly put your instrument out of action, usually right when you need it most. During the week we try to always have a technician on site and available for quick emergency repairs. Please call to let us know you're on your way in to visit our workshop. While we can do emergency repairs to get you playing, this shouldn't be considered as a replacement for a standard service. Please note surcharges may apply.

Spend time with us, the technicians – this is another way we can improve your instruments performance. By adjusting spring tensions, key heights and in some cases moving or customising key positions, we can greatly improve the playability of your instrument. We can help your instrument to “fit you” much better.

We can also assist you in your next instrument purchase. If you are buying a new car you should talk to a mechanic. Buying your first/next/another instrument is very, very similar. Technicians have their heads and hands on instruments every day and they know good construction, how construction affects sound production, how plating is affected by different geographical and environmental conditions and lots of other interesting technical stuff.

Need a repair or service?

Contact us to arrange your service, repair, or quotation.